Revista Odontológica do Planalto Central, v.2, n.2, p.6-12, jul./dez., 2012.



Surgery in mucogingival region periimplant. The aesthetic has been a dominant factor in the direction and development of implantology. In addition to the anatomy of the tooth to be replaced, and the healthy appearance of the tissue harmonic periimplant are preponderant in rehabilitative treatment end. The resolution increasing clinical cases using implants in edentulous unit or part associated with social changes, meant that demand aesthetic happened to be a decisive factor to be considered for development and success of periodontal plastic surgery technique involves various techniques for treating deformities or disabilities and mucogingivals periimplant and often these procedures require the use of gingival tissue graft. The subepithelial connective tissue graft has been used with a high success rate for obtaining aesthetics, function and health of periimplant mucosa. Taking this view, important factors began to be considered, such as bone and gum tissue prosthetic element and its future, as they interrelate with adjacent teeth.

Descriptors: Periimplant tissue. Mucogingival deficiency. Dental implants.